Welcome to Simple.Home.Blessings! I am so glad you are here and interested enough to check out more about us. Keep reading to find out more about us.
Look for posts in these categories (with a few of our favorite posts for you to check out):
Growing Up
Nest Building
Pennies from Heaven
I started this blog seven years ago as an attempt to record the fits and starts, the successes and failures of making a home. It is the stuff I have learned, am learning, and have yet to discover.
That thread of homemaking runs through these pages. Along the way, I have discovered the various stages require different solutions. I revel in solving the problems of daily life around here. Whether it be a resource for homeschooling or a practical routine for getting a child to go to sleep; I joy in the discovery and implementation of those solutions.
What makes our space here unique is I truly only try to share solutions I have never seen anywhere else.
And my hope is to bless only one person: YOU!
It is important for me to share with you that I am a child of God through the blood of Jesus Christ. My relationship to God drives and holds all my other relationships together. Because of Him (His character and His provision), I have everything I need in life and find myself so blessed. With His blessings in mind, I want to bless you!

This is our whole, impossible-to-wrangle-into-picture-perfect-order family.
From left to right: Wren is our crazy curly-haired 7 year-old. She LOVES anything to do with fashion. We call her our Contrary Canary. She does not know how to walk anywhere (she prefers to skip or run) or whisper (she prefers to talk very loudly). She was the loudest of our babies right out of the womb and she lives up to it every day!
That lady struggling to keep a toddler happy is me. My name is Leah and I am a homemaker and homeschooling mama attached to this beautiful brood. I consider myself a problem-solver and a blessing seeker. I am the creator/author of this blog.
That precious toddler is Noelle, our SHOCK baby. She was the least planned of all the unplanned babies we had. She graced us with her presence in August of 2017. She is into absolutely everything at all times. She spends much of her days just trying to get involved in every activity her older sisters and brother are into.
The upside-down little man is Abram Grey. Born at the last possible minute in November of 2015, he was a complete surprise to us and continues to be a blessing to our lives. He is such a sweet cuddler and is just as bright a light as his sisters. His primary loves are trucks and Duplos, but he will put all that down to sit in my lap and read or cuddle.
That handsome man holding the upside-down little guy is Drew. He is a builder of crazy custom homes in the desert. He and I were friends long before God tapped us on the shoulders and said, “There. That’s the one.” His generosity of spirit and the simple way he lives with contentment and a sense of humor still impress me each day.
And our oldest is Grace. She is now 9 years old. She is super-bright, outspoken, and full of energy. She is such an amazing big sister. God really knew what He was doing when he gave her two younger sisters and a younger brother! She would want me to tell you these two things: 1. She doesn’t like cute things, she likes cool; 2. She is an awesome gamer.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read more about us! Please feel free to stick around and ask questions, provide advice, or encouragement. We don’t have everything sorted out just yet, but by God’s grace, we are working on making it simple, making it a blessing, and making it a home!
I recently started creating Gathering placemats for our family morning time (we call it Gathering). They were such a blessing to our family that I share them here with you, in hopes of blessing other families. They are a wonderful conversation starter to have on hand. To learn more about them and get a free set, subscribe to Simple.Home.Blessings. here:

This Post Has 11 Comments
Hi. Hope you are feeling better…or as good as can be. Hug G. For me please!
I love the philosophy behind your blog. I too strive to find joy in the everyday.
Really a nice job done by you. I liked your approach and philosophy about you blog. We can also learn a lot from you I wish. God bless you.
You have such a beautiful family and a great blog! So glad I stumbled by through #UBP14!
What a blessing to find your site!!I am anxious to get back to basics with Father God. I have become isolated, lonely and a TV
I am a 72 year old widow of two years. I live 45 miles Southwest of New Orleans in a podunk bayou town where I have lived since I was 9 years old. Although I was raised Baptist, I now am probably of the Spirit-filled type. I love praise and worship and a powerful delivery of the Word.
Hi! I went to buy the Saxon Math prep and it said there was a limited time offer of all 3 grades for $12. But clicking the link it kept brining me to $24 at checkout… can you fix this? Thanks!
Hi Christianne, I think I fixed it! There was a problem with the coupon code. I will email you, too. Thanks for letting me know there was a problem!
Everything I read from you is so refreshing and… I’m lacking the right word. Sweet? Wholesome? …not quite. Sound? Maybe that’s what I’m looking for.
I’m so thankful for your heart!
Oh, Andrea! You are so kind! What an encouragement your words are to me! Blessings to you!
I just found you through a post on Classical Conversations site. I don’t remember which one it was or if it was someone sharing your website. But I’m glad I di?d. I love your Bible book of John. How can I access the schedule you use for Classical Conversations
I am not sure which schedule you are referring to, but if you are talking about the memory work review schedule, it is here: https://shop.simplehomeblessings.com/simple-classical-conversations-review/
I have not yet released many of the Cycle 3 resources for this year as I am working to finish up (too) many projects. But look for more resources soon.
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